QuickClear Mechanical Thrombectomy System is a simple solution that provides an all-in-one, single-use aspiration pump and catheter for peripheral arterial and venous cases. Its powerfully simple design requires no capital equipment, maximizes aspiration power and supports faster set-up and procedure times.
steve al jerome from new Orleans. I'm with phillips, peripheral vascular And I'm here to talk about the quick clear mechanical from Beck to me device uh which we've had now since the beginning of 2021. I'm gonna go over the product itself, we have some animation. Uh We're gonna talk about some cases specifically and uh and some final impressions excited please. So the quick clear thrown back in the system, we created this and the whole goal here was to have something uh that was able to remove clot and promise was easy to set up and easy to use, especially in those those critical situations in acute settings. Uh no matter who was in the room, team wise call team whatsoever. So uh the aspiration system itself is strictly aspiration, we have the waist bag there in the middle, it's driven by an electric pump and we have a bumper syringe and it's all connected to the catheter. And the catheters are six french, eight french and 10 french. The six french is typically used in the arterial side But the the eight and 10 are typically venus. Uh so this is arterial and venus aspiration. Here's an animation of the setup and use of the quick clear device and once again this is single use and it's disposable. So you see the pump there in the waist bag, the booster syringe, very easy to set up. It's really three connections and you're ready to go over the wire And it's an over no 35 wire. The eight and 10 French are are shaped and the six French is straight as you can see there once you're ready to engage the clot, then you simply turn the pump on and once again it's straight aspiration And you can see that angle of this. The eight and the 10 helps macerate some of the clots as well as getting things that might be adherent to the wall. So once again, this device was designed to be very simple to use easy to set up and that's what we're that's what we're finding and experiencing throughout the course of this year. Um my territory alone, we've done about 65 cases using the quick clear device as far as aspiration power, it's very powerful three times the aspiration pressure of the angio jet. Uh and it's has a greater aspiration of the penumbra indigo, the booster syringe. The reason we have that is just to give you some added aspiration power during the case, if it gets clogged or you reach an area that's a little slower to move. You can help it along by using the the booster syringe and and once again everything is captured in the disposable waste bag. So it is a braided catheter. So it's it's very good with push ability. It's hydra Filic, the shape tip helps you in a couple of ways with directing the chip and Catherine getting any clutter that may be inherent to the wall, but it also helps you to masturbate some clot to and break it up as it's being sucked into the catheter. So the advantage is once again set up is less than a minute. Uh and and it's easy to end service and no matter which team that we're seeing a huge increase in travelers these days in the cath labs uh and in the O. R. So no matter who's in there, it's easy to train and easy to remember how to set it up. Very quick connections, it's all on the field and it's disposable single use. When you're done, just throw the whole thing away. Um there's a single button activation and you saw that there's actually a little flow switch there um that that you can use for on and off as well. So it's gonna be the same or greater aspiration power than any of the other devices out there. Just fewer steps and easier to set up and there's really no capital equipment with this, you buy it, you get the pump and all the pieces we just went over as well as the catheter. So it's bundled together. So what interests the physicians in the lab, this is once again we've done, You know, 60 plus cases in my territory, they find that it's powerful and effective. So when they're trying to remove plot, especially acute sub acute uh It's easy to use and it gets the job done, they make multiple passes and it yields a lot of of plot, it's very easy to set up and it's cost effective. It's proven to be a savings for the facility um in that it's it's typically much less than than competition when is quick clear used acute or sub sub acute clot, venus or arterial. Uh We use I've this really for everything now. It's a it's a great imaging tool, not only to to look at what we're dealing with as far as if it's acute sub acute or chronic plot but also in our device selection. If it's really chronic, then quick clear may not be the device for you, but acute sub acute, that's our wheelhouse and that's where where we see uh quickly perform very well. Um So and we've also seen, you know, just like other parts of the country in Louisiana, we've had an incredible increase in thrombosis cases with due to covid. Uh And in our icu beds are full, especially during these spikes, especially with delta as well. So the I. C. U. Beds were scarce and instead of dripping T. P. A. Overnight, they decided to use quickly to remove the clot on block. And that proved to be very successful. Uh So while we couldn't use the I. C. U beds we didn't have a need not nearly as much. We were able to use quick clear and that was our solution. So once again to to to kind of compare and contrast were easier setup no matter who's in the room with high turnover in the in the Cath labs, this is really important, especially in that moment of need? It's cost effective. It's a great solution given the covid limitations and promised spikes and it's powerful and yields yields superior results and I'll have some some images to show you. So here is a venus case. Um I'm sure you guys recognize this and you can see the before and after. Uh this is obviously a very large clot and we see there is uh there is a chronic component in there But we use the 10 French system here and we made about six passes and we were able to get the results we were looking for next here. This was this was more of an acute sub acute and uh once you get to venus case And we made uh five passes here and using the tin french once again, great results. Same here, you can see the pub, that's the pump house there. Um this was, you know, we had venus stents that were re occluded. So we went back through with the 10 French, quick clear and actually went above and dragged the catheter while spinning it and construction and this is the result that we got, this is a filter, the filter head clot in it. So we went into uh they wanted to remove the filter but we wanted to clean it out first. So we're able to use the quick clear successfully here and you can see what we yielded here which was obviously a large component of the rhombus. So questions any questions about quick clear. Once again, it's designed for ease of use and quick setup and it's extremely powerful and we've seen as I showed you the cases uh some great great success and and yielding the device yielding the results we're looking for. Yeah, no steve I think that's great. Um And as you said, relatively simple to set up, I have one, I have one question uh what some of the pearls about limiting blood loss during the procedure. So we have the flow switch, you can keep the device on by just pressing the button on the pump. But we have a flow switch. So as you're moving the catheter from area to area. Now if it's if you're in an area where it's clot then just keep it on. No worries. But if you have multiple spots as you're moving the catheter from location to location, turn it off with the flow switch, it's not necessary to keep aspirating blood when you're not engaging the clot. All right. And you keep it on the bag. It's it's it's it's important you you watch the bag