
Showing 253 - 259 of 259 results

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IVUS calcification PAD Video

IVUS calcification PAD

Dr. Konstantinos Stavroulakis provides an example of imaging a high grade stenosis and calcium with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) including plaque burden and geometry of plaque location.
How to achieve optimal procedural success using ELCA Video

How to achieve optimal procedural success using ELCA

Recanalize occluded arteries, modify lesion morphology and optimize treatment options with ELCA
Coronary solutions: see clearly Document

Coronary solutions: see clearly

See clearly where before there was uncertainty. The angiogram generates more decisions for the physician to make. Seeing clearly is having the answer before you’ve even asked the question.
Pathways to systemic infection Video

Pathways to systemic infection

CIED infection is often misdiagnosed and undertreated because of the common symptoms of systemic infection. Learn the facts about systemic CIED infection today so you can recognize infection earlier and treat patients in a timely manner, greatly reducing the health risks associated with CIED infection.
Gandini clinical abstract Document

Gandini clinical abstract

Randomized study demonstrates potential value of laser debulking and DEB vs. DEB alone for the treatment of CLI patients with SFA stent occlusion
Bridge Occlusion Balloon: Porcine Heart Bench Model Video

Bridge Occlusion Balloon: Porcine Heart Bench Model

Bridge occlusion balloon: porcine heart bench model information here.
Consideration of lead design for lead prep Video

Consideration of lead design for lead prep

Robert Lewis, MD discusses how lead design affects lead preparation and extraction. The concept of how lead components and engineering dictate optimal lead preparation for procedural success. This discussion highlights multiple preparation techniques and best practices.

Showing 253 - 259 of 259 results

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