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CVX-300 Excimer Laser System: Treat more complex conditions Document

CVX-300 Excimer Laser System: Treat more complex conditions

The CVX-300 Excimer laser system’s clinical versatility, high clinical success, low adverse events and well-established reimbursement helps you to safely treat more complex conditions in vascular intervention and lead management procedures.
Philips Risks and considerations of cardiac lead extraction Document

Philips Risks and considerations of cardiac lead extraction

The brochure covers shared decision-making with physicians, considerations of lead extraction as well as risks of capping a lead.
Lead Management Health Professional Education: Excimer Laser Overview and Operation Document

Lead Management Health Professional Education: Excimer Laser Overview and Operation

The mission of the of this program is to improve patient care by providing educational opportunities for various health professionals.
Physician Q&A: Using the Electronic Medical Records to Fight CIED Infection Document

Physician Q&A: Using the Electronic Medical Records to Fight CIED Infection

The presence of a systemic infection, pocket Infection, or endocarditis is a Class I indication to remove all hardware. Despite this, 65% of patients with CIED infection may be under-treated and at risk for recurring infection, endocarditis or death.
Staging Bridge Occlusion Balloon Mid-Case Document

Staging Bridge Occlusion Balloon Mid-Case

The Philips Bridge Occlusion Balloon was designed to provide hemostasis in the rare event of a SVC tear, allowing time for surgical repair and increasing survivability. Dozens of rescues have been supported utilizing this novel device.
Flexibility meets control in mechanical lead extraction Document

Flexibility meets control in mechanical lead extraction

Safe, effective, unparalleled control when it counts When removing a lead is the right decision, turn to Philips TightRail. Its next-generation design provides the flexibility, control and safety required for effectively extracting cardiac leads.

Showing 25 - 30 of 30 results

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