
Showing 1 - 12 of 30 results

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Stent failure with ISR deserves a closer look with intravascular imaging Video

Stent failure with ISR deserves a closer look with intravascular imaging

Even with the evolution of drug eluting stents, the incidence of patients returning the lab with stent-related event remains a serious condition. ISR specifically is often not evaluated with imaging to understand the underlying mechanisms to properly treat the patient and improve their long-term outcomes.
Case review of IVUS-guided PCI of a bifurcation lesion Video

Case review of IVUS-guided PCI of a bifurcation lesion

In this program, Professor Sharp and Dr. Gallagher will present a case of an IVUS-guided PCI of bifurcation lesion. They will discuss and demonstrate the various strategies available for this LAD/Diag bifurcation lesion and how IVUS plays a significant role in the planning, treatment and optimization of this PCI.
What is the evidence for routine intravascular imaging? Video

What is the evidence for routine intravascular imaging?

The routine use of IVUS can lead to more precise PCI, better outcomes and even provide some economic benefit to those involved in treatment of CAD patients as outlined in this presentation.
Case review of IVUS-guided PCI for a long, but relatively uncomplicated lesion Video

Case review of IVUS-guided PCI for a long, but relatively uncomplicated lesion

In this program, Professor Sharp and Dr. Gallagher will review a case of an IVUS-guided PCI for a long, but relatively uncomplicated lesion. They will show the workflow and strategies for assessing the vessel before PCI, lesion preparation, stent positioning, sizing and optimization.
Key measurement and vessel sizing techniques for utilizing IVUS in routine and complex cases; outlined in easy to understand steps Video

Key measurement and vessel sizing techniques for utilizing IVUS in routine and complex cases; outlined in easy to understand steps

In this program Professor Sharp will review the workflow and algorithms most often used to size vessels for stent selection and placement. He will also explain the strategies of using IVUS to optimize stents for optimal PCI results.
Simple Stent Optimization protocol using IVUS from Dr. Jimmy Kerrigan Video

Simple Stent Optimization protocol using IVUS from Dr. Jimmy Kerrigan

Watch this short clip where Dr. Jimmy Kerrigan outlines a simple, straightforward IVUS protocol that he uses in his PCIs to plan, land and optimize his stents.
What are the best contrast reduction tools and techniques you use in your labs? Video

What are the best contrast reduction tools and techniques you use in your labs?

AKI in today's lab is something that can be reduced when treating CKD patients by using the right tools and techniques to approach these fragile renal patients.
Introducing Philips IntraSight Mobile Video

Introducing Philips IntraSight Mobile

Philips IntraSight mobile interventional applications platform for the total solution.
Optimizing coronary stenting: the role of IVUS in today’s precision PCI Video

Optimizing coronary stenting: the role of IVUS in today’s precision PCI

Using IVUS and the ULTIMATE study to guide your PCI.
IVUS guided stent optimization case review with Dr. Jimmy Kerrigan Video

IVUS guided stent optimization case review with Dr. Jimmy Kerrigan

Workflow for a bifurcation PCI using Philips IVUS and SyncVision Co-registration to guide stent treatment
IVUS Insights 2020; A panel discussion Video

IVUS Insights 2020; A panel discussion

VUS imaging -IVUS utilization and interpretation for PCI planning and optimization
IVUS terminology Document

IVUS terminology

Terms you need to know

Showing 1 - 12 of 30 results

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